Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Should I use makeup to cover up sun spots on my face?

You can but in todays world it isn't necessary.  Procedures and products in todays world can elimate some sun damage, dark circles and dry aging skin.  Use makeup in the beginning as you start your regimen to elimnate those imperfections, however, do not use it as a crutch.  If you have a sun damage that is starting to show its ugly head where there is one there are many and they will only get bigger in size, especially if you aren't using a sunblock or staying out of the sun. 

Listen up in todays world most sun damage and premature wrinkling can be reversed thats the good news.  Bad news, well, your gonna have to change your lifestyle, and well lets face it honestly for most of us that is a good thing. 

If you have broken capallaries around your nose cheeks and chin it could be a sign of rosceaca or it could be to much sun, blowing your nose constantly, or two much alcohol.  You can buy green coverups that will help to eliminate the signs of these capallaries, however, Vit K and Vit C will help to repair them and elimimate them completely.  You can go to the doc and they will shoot saline in them and they will go away but in my experience most of them come back.  Use Vit K and Vit C serums it will heal and repair them completely.

Sun spots, well you can go to the doc and he can burn them off, they will be gone, but if you go back out in the sun they are going to come back, fast.  You can use Vit C in the morning and then use a good sunblock, and that will eliminate any more damaging rays getting through the skin, you will be physcially and chemically blocking them.  At night use a retinol, regular use of retinol only at night will eliminate the sun damage from the skin.  Retinol will work to thicken the skin and eliminate those fine lines and premature wrinkling and restore your skin back to its clean dewy look.  This process will take several months depending on the extent of your damage but it will work, I've personally seen it on client after client.  I have before and after pics hanging in my business of my own personal clients that I have worked on myself.

Last but not least, get microdermabrasion and a chemical peel every month.  These two procedures will allow the products to penetrate the skin better no debris standing in the way. 

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