Monday, April 23, 2012

Fish oil tablets

Was in whole foods the other day and these was a lady selling liquid fish oil in different flavors.  It was really good.  You'll have to try it out.

Anyway, she told me that you want to make sure the fish oil tablets or liquid that you are injesting everyday has to come from the smaller fish.  Such as sardines, the reason for this they have less amount of mercury in them.  Makes sense once I started thinking about it, so I went home and looked at my tabs that I am currently taking.  On the front label it read, purified to remove mercury.  Now for some reason that makes me feel safer, however, in the future I will be sure to read the label and make sure that my tabs are coming from the smaller fish.

As always any questions please call 636-236-1092, text or e-mail.

Have a great day.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Mother Day Specials

May Mothers Day Specials

Chocolate Strawberry Massage 1 hr $55
Chocolate Strawberry Massage 1 1/2 hr $90

Facial and Chocolate Strawberry $100

Brazilian Bikini and eyebrow was $50

Mothers Day

May Mothers Day Specials

Chocolate Strawberry Massage 1 hr $55
Chocolate Strawberry Massage 1 1/2 hr $90

Facial and Chocolate Strawberry $100

Brazilian Bikini and eyebrow was $50


Good Morning,
The other day I was at TJ Maxx and the was talking to the girl in the check out she was telling me how great she was feeling ever since she started taking Melatonin.  One pill a day she said and I sleep sound, go to sleep faster and the most amazing part to me was I wake up ready for the day.  She said, I'm getting more things done just feeling more rested. Who would have thought that one little pill could make me fill so different. 
Well I myself am fighting with menopause and my nights can be a little restless.  So I thought why not try it, so I went to Walgrens and they had buy one get one free for only $10.  So I thought what do I have to lose only $10.  So I took it home took one pill the first night and within 30 minutes I was ready for sleep and to my surprise the next thing I remember it was morning.  I woke up feeling refreshed and ready to walk Harley at 6:30.  Since then I have started taking two, I fall asleep really fast and stay asleep, don't even realize I am having night sweats.  I wake up the next morning refreshed and ready for the day.  What an amazing thing two little pills have made in my sleep pattern. 
Now I can't guarantee it will work for everyone.  I am only sharing my experience and the sales clerks experience.  But if you go to buy the product, there is a 3mg and a 5 mg, I bought the 5mg (still always thinking bigger and more is better, old habits die  I am truly amazed at how different I feel and my sleep has become.
As always any questions call, text or e-mail me back.
Remember Botox party is April 23 and Meditation call is April 25 call for an appointment to join.
Thanks and have a great day.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Ladies have you heard no more yearly pap smears. Woo-hoo!!.  Its true according to the St. Louis Post Dispatch on March 22, 2012 New federal guidlines.  Women ages 21-29 every 3 years.  Women 30 and older Pap smear with HPV tests every five years or pap test alone every three years.  Women over 65 no longer need to have a pap smear.

Please be sure to check with your insurance companies as I don't think they will pay for yearly checkups anymore, so before your next scheduled appt talk to your insurance company.