Sunday, March 25, 2012

Meditation Class

Learn how to meditate
Meditation Class
April 25th 6:30p
Sp-aaah Services
14377 Woodlake Drive Ste 104
Chesterfield, MO  63043
Instructor:  Shuba Natrajan
Please call 636-236-1092 to reserve your spot
Shuba has ask that you come with a very light super in your stomach. 
Any questions please call and ask

Friday, March 23, 2012

Lightening Serums

Good Morning,

Sorry haven't posted in awhile I have been a little sick, but all well and back to beauty.  Lightening Serums, are great for sun damage, but remember all they are doing is lightening the skin, they are not getting rid of the damage.  The next time you are in the sun and don't use a good(and by this I mean a good brand not neutrogena) sunblock it will come right back out.  Lightening Serums must be used in conjunction with Retinol.  When applying your lightening serum mix your nightly retinol with it leave it on for 15-20 minutes before you apply a moisturizer.  The reason for this it takes most retinols that long to absorb and turn into retonic acid.  Retinol works on a cellular level it doesn't just sit on the top of your skin.  When you use this in conjunction you get the best of both worlds, instant gratification with the lightening serum because the sun damage temporarily disappears and lasting removal of the sun damage with the Retinol.  Any questions you need answered e-mail me at or call 636-236-1092.  Have a great day.

Linda Pierce

Monday, March 12, 2012

Cleaning your face

Hey guys and girls, when cleaning your face remember your face goes all the way back to your ears.  Also everything that you do to your face be sure to do the same to your neck.  Eyes, neck and lips are always the forgotten spots, and normally the first to start wrinkling.  A good Vit C serum will help these three areas as it will help to plump that collegan back up and retain moisuture.   Any questions, call 636-236-1092 or email me at .  Have a great week.  Linda Pierce