Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Should I use makeup to cover up sun spots on my face?

You can but in todays world it isn't necessary.  Procedures and products in todays world can elimate some sun damage, dark circles and dry aging skin.  Use makeup in the beginning as you start your regimen to elimnate those imperfections, however, do not use it as a crutch.  If you have a sun damage that is starting to show its ugly head where there is one there are many and they will only get bigger in size, especially if you aren't using a sunblock or staying out of the sun. 

Listen up in todays world most sun damage and premature wrinkling can be reversed thats the good news.  Bad news, well, your gonna have to change your lifestyle, and well lets face it honestly for most of us that is a good thing. 

If you have broken capallaries around your nose cheeks and chin it could be a sign of rosceaca or it could be to much sun, blowing your nose constantly, or two much alcohol.  You can buy green coverups that will help to eliminate the signs of these capallaries, however, Vit K and Vit C will help to repair them and elimimate them completely.  You can go to the doc and they will shoot saline in them and they will go away but in my experience most of them come back.  Use Vit K and Vit C serums it will heal and repair them completely.

Sun spots, well you can go to the doc and he can burn them off, they will be gone, but if you go back out in the sun they are going to come back, fast.  You can use Vit C in the morning and then use a good sunblock, and that will eliminate any more damaging rays getting through the skin, you will be physcially and chemically blocking them.  At night use a retinol, regular use of retinol only at night will eliminate the sun damage from the skin.  Retinol will work to thicken the skin and eliminate those fine lines and premature wrinkling and restore your skin back to its clean dewy look.  This process will take several months depending on the extent of your damage but it will work, I've personally seen it on client after client.  I have before and after pics hanging in my business of my own personal clients that I have worked on myself.

Last but not least, get microdermabrasion and a chemical peel every month.  These two procedures will allow the products to penetrate the skin better no debris standing in the way. 

Friday, July 19, 2013


No matter what age or who you are sunblock is essential.  If you get a sunburn it will start showing its ugly head in your mid 30's.  Sun damage most of us have it and by the time we realize, OMG I'm not invincible, its to late, some damage has been done.  However, the good news in todays world you can reverse the signs of Sun damage, thats another blog. lol.

So Chemical or Physical and whats the difference?  I teach my clients to use both for many reasons.  Chemical sunblock works on a cellular level meaning contains an ingredient that allows it to penterate into the dermis layers of the skin. When the sun pentrates to these layers the chemical block will diffuse the rays and no damage is ever done.  Physcial sunblock is made to set on the epidermis layer of the skin(this is the outside layer the layer we see everyday.)  Physcial sunblocks are light reflective which means the block will deflect and no damage  done.  Physical sunblocks are usually Titanium Oxide and Zinc Oxide together in one product and a Chemcial sunblock the most common would be a good Vit C serum.  Emphasis on good not all Vit C serums are created equal, however, any Vit C serum is better than none.

The reason why I have my clients use both Vit C serum has many uses to the cellular layer so its very important, however, the main reason I just want them to be safe and not sorry in their 40's.  I tell them they will thank me for it later.

Keep in mind sunblocks and suncreens are not the same thing, if you look at it like having a screen on your front door or having your front door closed, same concept.  You will still get color when using a sunblock, maybe not as fast but healthier and better for you skin.

As always any questions please email me at

Have a great day.

Linda Pierce

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Does Chocolate cause Acne?

According to Dr. Lawrence Samuels, board certified Dermatologist, there is no direct proof that chocolate causes acne.  However, he does remind us that the oil gland takes sugar and fat to produce oil.   Two ingredients chocoloate contains.  Eating a diet low in sugar and fat will always produce better skin, because of the nutrients, vitamins and anti-oxidants.  So be pro active if you are having acne breakouts and your diet consist of sugar and fatty products, change your diet.  Don't be your own worse enemy, always eat as natural as possible.  Staying on the outer isles of the grocery store will help you do this.  In my practice when it comes to conquering acne, I not only have clients watch their diet, but the moisturizers they use on their bodies along with oils used on salads and in cooking their foods. Any questions Call 636-236-1092

Monday, April 29, 2013

Mothers Day Specials


Express Facial
55 min massage


Spray Tan

For an appointment or to buy a Gift Certificate call 

Sp-aaah Services
14377 Woodlake dr.
Ste 104
Chesterfield, MO  63017

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

April Special

A great way to revitilaze your skin after the Spring Break damage that was done is a Vit C Facial my special for April.  Please forward on the fb friends and you e-mail friends.  Hope everyone had a safe and Happy Easter.


EXPIRES 4/30/2013

STE 300

Have a great April.  

Sunday, March 3, 2013

March Spring Break Special



Bikini Wax/Spray Tan.......$45
Reg bikini Wax.....$25

Brazilian Wax/Spray Tan....$55
Brazilian Wax.....$35

Please feel free to share with your friends and contacts.  Any questions e-mail, text or call 636-236-1092.  Offer expires 3/31/13

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Pore clogging ingredients

To find a list of pore clogging ingredients go to

The cream form of Retin A contains isopropyl myristate a known pore clogger.  I have told my clients for years the Prescription form of Retin A tends to cause milia, after reading this article now I know why.  Goes to show we are always learning including me.

Any questions please feel free to call 636-236-1092.

Linda Pierce

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Valentine Day Specials




Hot Stone Massage
1 1/2 hour


30-min Massage
Spray Tan


one hour facial or massage

Please call 636-236-1092 to purchase any of the packages or you may purchase a gift certificate for any dollar amount.

How to wash your face

How to Wash your Face: 
First wash your hands.  Place about a nickel size amount of cleanser in the palm of your hand pour a little warm water on and emulsify in your hand.  Wash your face, be sure to get the sides all the way to the ears, aggressively cleaning the t-area, creases around the nose, continue this for 1-2 minutes.  Using cold water rinse your face well. Spend timing doing this making sure that you get the sides of your face to your ears also.  Dry with a fluffy cloth only dabbing the face not swiping and dragging the cloth across the skin(this tends to scratch the skin).  Finish off with a spray on toner to neutralize the skin and bring it back to its proper ph balance before applying serums or moisturizer.  Bringing the skin to its proper ph is very important before applying  serums or moisturizers.  Be sure to remember everything you do to your face you do to your neck.  As always any questions please call 636-236-1092.

Linda Pierce

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

January Specials

                                    Wrap N Lose Program

                                            $85 weekly
                                  min 4 week committment

                                        Sp-aaah Services
                                    14377 Woodlake Drive
                                                Ste 104
                                          Chesterfield, MO

My Wrap N Lose program, consists of one body wrap per week, one cupping procedure per week and one Life Coaching Consultation per week.

Body wraps are great for getting rid of Toxins in the tissue, cupping is also a toxin eliminator but will go deeper to help release the toxins trapped around the fat cells allowing the elimination of the deep brown fat. Toxins are released and eliminated through your waste system. Along with these two procedures and Life coaching on food and exercise your weight loss program can be a success.

For more information or to book an appt. please call 636-236-1092.