A cold sore is a virus that lives inside or tissue just beneath the very top layers of the skin. You contracted it from someone with an open cold sore mostly passed from one another by kissing. Herpes Simplex virus is closely related to Genital Herpes they are in the same family. So be careful when making decisions about oral sex with an infected partner. So the Herpes Simplex virus which caused cold sores around the mouth area leaves just beneathe the surface of the skin, it can set dormant for years and then have a break out. Break outs are normally in the same place each time and are caused by many things, foods we eat, slobbering, stress. There are many triggers, it is a good idea to become familiar with your body and what your triggers are, it will help in prevention of future breakouts. Many doctors will prescribe Valtrex. Valtrex has proven to be very successful when taken in the early stages. Most people say there is a tingling feeling on the lip or mouth area affiliated with the onset of of the beginning of a cold sore.
I get a cold sore on my lower lip, same place every time. Normally mine comes up when I am stressed or I have chapped lips. I can feel a lip bit of a tingle in the area that alerts me. So one day I decided to some reading. I read that Lysine, an amino acid essential to our bodies cell growth. Lysine tends to block the herpes virus. So I decided to start taking a Lysine. I've been taking one for years everyday, haven't had a cold sore in over two years. For me it worked. I also took valtrex and as long as I was paying attention to the tingle it would work also, I just didn't like the side affects caused by Valtrex.
What works for me doesn't always work for everyone. I'm here just to give you options. Always check with your doctor before takings meds including natural remedies, as some will interfere with meds.
What works for me doesn't always work for others.
any questions please call 636-236-1092
As always any questions please call. Linda Pierce